Inspirational moments

Inspirational Moments

Inspiration and motivation are the keys that help surpass one’s limitations and self-inspiration and stay-motivated are the watch words of Pratibhasthali philosophy. But undoubtedly sometimes certain people enter our life spontaneously, leave deep impression on us and set our mind and soul on fire. Real people give our thoughts, hopes, dreams and determination a boost.

Of course, it may take a long time for inspiration to work, but the seeds to achieve and excel are sowed early in life. It helps children look through more optimistic eyes and positive heart. It often involves a moment of clarity and awareness of new possibilities.

This moment of clarity is often vivid, and can take the form of a grand vision. Finally, one then strives to actualize a new idea & prospects and transform oneself into a great success in future.
Thus to coalesce and give direction to immense potential and energy of students, to expose them to success stories guest lectures of eminent and exemplary personalities, celebrities, dare devilries are scheduled regularly in our campus.

It awakens them to better possibilities, instill confidence, incite to explore and reach their full potentials.