Our Objectives

Pratibhasthali aims to form the brightest future of an individual, society and the nation along with the preservation of our culture. The holy inspiration of AACHARYA SHREE VIDYASAGARJI MAHARAJ enabled us to develop a sound education planning. It is built on seven pillars :

  • SOUND BODY : To build an energetic and zealous personalities with high spirits that enables them to sustain in every odds of future life.
  • SOUND SPEECH : To develop the eloquence which is benevolent, caring, soft and meaningful.
  • SOUND MIND : To infuse love, kindness, trust and sense of responsibility and develop sturdy, resolute, determined and joyous mind.
  • SOUND WEALTH : To acquire noble possession through justified and honest means.
  • SOUND ENVIRONMENT : To develop love for animals, eco-friendly attitude and care for mother earth.
  • SOUND NATION : To create awareness of rights and duties of a citizen, imbibe patriotism to make BHARAT prosperous.
  • SOUND SOUL : To develop divine sight, absolute knowledge and appropriate conduct.